
Prices for iPhone 15 Pro Max with Fizz

Plan and device prices for the iPhone 15 Pro Max at Fizz vary across provinces.

The iPhone 15 Pro Max is currently available in 2 versions: iPhone 15 Pro Max 256gb and iPhone 15 Pro Max 512gb

  • The iPhone 15 Pro Max 256 GB costs $15.00 + $55.58 per month
  • The iPhone 15 Pro Max 512 GB costs $15.00 + $63.92 per month

Best prices for the iPhone 15 Pro Max with Fizz

Pay upfront
Lowest Upfront option available (may mean you’ll have to pay a larger monthly price)
Pay monthly
Lowest monthly option available (may mean you’ll have to pay a larger upfront price)
On 2 years
Lowest ownership cost with a plan
Quebec $15.00
Pay upfront
Pay monthly
On 2 years