Provider Selection
Lucky mobile Cell Phone Plans Summary | |
Best BYOD Cell Phone Plans from Lucky mobile in Ontario |
Unlimited - 65 GB
Cheapest BYOD Cell Phone Plans from Lucky mobile in Ontario |
Unlimited - 0.5 GB
2025-03-24 17:03:33
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Lucky mobile prices are subject to frequent fluctuations. Let PlanHub Price Alert email you the cheapest prices available.
Best Cell Phone Plans by Lucky mobile in Ontario - BYOD
Here are the best (Bring Your Own Device) offers by Lucky mobile. To define which plans are the best, many criteria are taken into consideration such as the providers reviews on PlanHub, the plan prices and the value of the offers. Our formula allows us to display the most appealing offers available for your area.
Cheapest Cell Phone Plans by Lucky mobile in Ontario - BYOD
Here are the cheapest (Bring Your Own Device) Cell Phone Plans by Lucky mobile. Keep in mind that cheap phone plan generally offer limited services.
Unlimited Data Cell Phone Plans by Lucky mobile in Ontario - BYOD
Below is a selection of (Bring Your Own Device) Cell Phone Plans by Lucky mobile with unlimited calls and unlimited data. Cell Phone Plans with unlimited data generally offers full data speed for a given specific amount of data and a slower speed once the data cap has beed reached. Find more results by performing a full search
Cheapest Cell Phone Plans with iPhone by Lucky mobile in Ontario
Lucky mobile currently does not have a cell phone plan that meets these requirements. Alternatively, here are the cheapest cell phone plans with iPhone available in Ontario.
Cheapest Cell Phone Plans with Android by Lucky mobile in Ontario
Lucky mobile currently does not have a cell phone plan that meets these requirements. Alternatively, here are the cheapest cell phone plans with Android device in Ontario.
Lucky mobile Pros & Cons
You're probably wondering, "is Lucky Mobile good?" As an unbiased price comparison tool, PlanHub cannot answer that question for you, but here are some factors to consider so you can form an opinion yourself on the matter.
Lucky mobile Wireless Pros
- No Contract
- No credit check
- Low cost plans
Lucky mobile Wireless Cons
- Limited network
- Limited data plans
- Limited phone options
Lucky Mobile Plans Reviews From Customers
Lucky Mobile customers generally give the impression of being satisfied with Lucky Mobile monthly plans. Users appreciate the affordability of the plans, as well as not having to commit to contracts. Of course, users also seem happy about being able to use Bell's 4G network at a discounted price. Here’s a quick look at the Lucky Mobile Plans reviews from Customers. You are more than welcomed to share your Lucky Mobile reviews with the rest of the users as well.
Last 365 days average
All time average
By specification
montreal, quebec
Despite the many negative reviews I've read, I'm very happy with my experience with Lucky Mobile. I've been a customer for two months now, and I find their service to be excellent. Topping up with a card is extremely fast and convenient. My only complaint is that they send a lot of text messages, but having never used any other provider, I'm not sure if this is a common practice. My plan: $15/month 100 minutes of calls Unlimited texts
montreal, quebec
Very good value for money and attractive packages
montreal, quebec
very satisfied
montreal, quebec
The system becomes slow during peak hours. Also, depending on where you are, the connection can drop. This is very frustrating when working remotely.
How to get a cell phone plan at the cheapest rate ?
Prices of plans available in Ontario, Canada aren't static, they fluctuate over time. To get the cheapest rate, the first option is to visit PlanHub everyday to monitor plan prices that match your preferences until the right internet plan is at discount. Doing so can be highly time consuming, that is why there is a second option which is to set an internet plan price alert.
PlanHub can monitor prices for you permanently (even when you sleep) and send you a personalized alert email to notify you that a plan matching the savings you've targeted. Sign up to PlanHub Internet Price Alert now!
Lucky Mobile Deals
Interested in checking out Lucky phones and all the smartphone options that are available with Lucky mobile deals? Well, here’s a peek at all the smartphones being offered at Lucky Telecom. So feel free to scroll through all the desirable options and discover a complete range of Lucky phone plans available with Lucky mobile deals.
Lucky mobile eSim
Lucky mobile is one of the providers in Canada offering eSim compatible plans and cards. The eSim allows you to have a virtual Sim card on your phone if it is compatible. If you want to know more about how eSim Lucky mobile cards work, and to find out which phones are compatible, check out our full eSim Canada card guide.
How Lucky mobile Cell tower Network compares to other carriers?
Discover how Lucky mobile network stacks up against the competition in your area, or locate nearby cell towers to ensure a strong signal.
More About Lucky Canada Mobile Plans
Lucky Mobile History
Lucky Mobile is a subsidiary of Bell Canada and was founded in December 2017. The Canadian prepaid mobile network operator operates on the Bell mobility network. Since Bell has had a monopoly over the Canadian telecom industry along with Rogers and Telus, it was required to introduce subsidiary brands to encourage more competition among the Canadian market. Lucky Mobile was introduced in 2017 to compete with other flanker brands such as Chatr and Public Mobile. Lucky Mobile’s relationship with Bell has helped boast impressive network capabilities and data plans at greatly reduced prices.
Customer service
Lucky Mobile Coverage Review
Lucky Mobile offers extensive coverage that reaches a large part of Canada's population. Since Bell's 4G network is known to be one of the biggest networks, it’s all the more likely you are covered by them. To know whether or not you fall in the Lucky network, you refer to the Luck Mobile Coverage Map.