Lucky Mobile App
To keep track of your plan, users can download the free Lucky Mobile App. With this feature, users can manage their account, check their balance and top up their funds. Due to the cheap Lucky Mobile activation fee, all you really need to pay attention to are your monthly fees. With the app, customers can always stay well organized and keep track of their payment.
Plan 500 MB Unlimited calls NATIONAL
Plan 4.5 GB Unlimited calls NATIONAL
Plan 3.5 GB Unlimited calls NATIONAL
Plan 25 GB Unlimited calls NATIONAL
Plan 25 GB Unlimited calls NATIONAL
Plan 55 GB Unlimited calls NATIONAL
Plan 65 GB Unlimited calls CANADA-US
Plan 80 GB Unlimited calls CANADA-US
Plan 85 GB Unlimited calls CANADA-US
Plan 105 GB Unlimited calls CANADA-US
Lucky mobile Customer Service
Customer service
Lucky Mobile Reviews
Want to know how people feel about Lucky Mobile’s services? We assembled some Lucky Mobile reviews from authentic customers across Canada.
Last 365 days average
All time average
By specification
montreal, quebec
Despite the many negative reviews I've read, I'm very happy with my experience with Lucky Mobile. I've been a customer for two months now, and I find their service to be excellent. Topping up with a card is extremely fast and convenient. My only complaint is that they send a lot of text messages, but having never used any other provider, I'm not sure if this is a common practice. My plan: $15/month 100 minutes of calls Unlimited texts
montreal, quebec
Very good value for money and attractive packages
montreal, quebec
very satisfied
montreal, quebec
The system becomes slow during peak hours. Also, depending on where you are, the connection can drop. This is very frustrating when working remotely.
Lucky Mobile Availability
Lucky Mobile is owned by Bell and uses their network. As a result, Lucky Mobile availability is vast, and reaches every province.
Want to compare with another provider ?
With so many providers in Canada, it is always interesting to compare their prices and offers. By comparing, you could easily find something similar to your current plan at a lower price.