PC Mobile Prepaid
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PC Mobile Reviews
Curious about the PC Mobile experience? We gathered some PC Mobile reviews from all kinds of users for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy!
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montr, quebec
They changed their payment method. I have $225 left in my account and now they charge me $10 per month for 10 minutes of calls per month and I have to deposit $100 to keep my account active. Disagree
2 people found this useful
evangeline, new-brunswick
I am currently with pcmobile and I have a really good service
quebec, quebec
I answered 3 stars to some questions because they did not apply to my plan. For example, I do not have a contract (I do not want one) and do not use the application. I do business with PC Mobile by phone, in excellent French..., and their service is impeccable. Their prices are also reasonable, hence the 5 stars for all the other questions/services: availability, reception, courtesy, helpers, price, etc.
lutes-mountain, new-brunswick
Got a relatively good cheap 4GB data plan with unlimited talk+SMS but I don't think it's available anymore and was a special?
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